
This website is to access and attain information about spiritual sessions and hospice visits along with yoga information. You can contact me to schedule spiritual sessions, hospice visits and private yoga. Sessions, visits and yoga are offered in person or via phone. For information and scheduling, call or text 440-463-2781 or email angelwing002@aol.com.
I will respond at my first opportunity and look forward to our journey shared.
Love, Blessings & Miracles, Krysti Lyn & Halo (woof)

Spiritual Coach & Counselor
Yoga Teacher ~ 200 Level & Yoga Therapist ~  500 Level
Restorative Yoga & Accessible Yoga Teacher
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher
12 Step Recovery & Bhakti Yoga Teacher    
Hospice Visitor & Hospice Doula
Animal Rescuer & Advocate 
Soul Midwife
Reiki Master
I want to extend gratitude to all, who touch lives and mine along the journey. We inspire what comes to be, while living, loving and learning, as a divine we.